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Charlie the Tumor

This is just a little something to do when waiting for my next board of Angry Birds, Transformers edition. I have never kept a journal, nor did I intend to start, but it is amazing at how a single moment can suddenly either leave one speechless or wanting to put simple words to complex feelings.

Charlie the Tumor, as he has been named, is the cause, reason, excuse, et al for the driving impulse behind this blog. I have no idea where the next 40 days and nights will take me, but as many as like will be able to …through the power of television…or the intertubes…join in. Sort of. 40 Days and 40 Nights came about, post an amazing achievement in a local watering hole known as Carmella’s Plates & Pints.During our conversation, it just seemed obvious that the title should be somewhat spiritual in nature…and why not the length of Noah’s flood?

For those who may be easily offended, you should likely not read what I will be offering. I have no intention of offending…most…but, as has been pointed out to me repeatedly, I am a bit of an a**hole. I welcome all comments and so on and so forth; however, this is a journey as seen from my head, felt through my heart, and shared with, followed by all the adopted family whom most people would call their friends.

All aboard the shame train.


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